Monday, August 30, 2010

Homesick in the South

Yeah, I'm homesick. I just completed a trip to Minneapolis with my wife. All her family lives there. I Also was up in New England in July with my family as well.

What is homesickness? I've got that feeling in my gut that tells me I yearn for home, whether it be my in-laws or my own family. A feeling of love & commitment that makes a person lonesome for the folks at "home."

We've been fortunate to visit our homes every one or two years. It had been two years for New England & one for Minneapolis. The time just flies by - it's never enough when you're visiting. The question of moving back home seems to come up - but which location would we choose? We tell people that our home is in the south now, but one never knows what end of life choices will bring.

Living in Pensacola, Florida Has been a wonderful choice for us the last 16 years. During that time we've had a chance to travel around the entire United States, but never found a better venue for what we need & want from our home.

Also, the issue that would have driven our decision is no longer with us. My parents have been gone for many years now, but my wife's folks have passed away recently. There is a bit of regret that we didn't move to Minneapolis sooner, but we had important retirement considerations that kept us here.

Also, it is nice to get family & friends to visit us where we live - a chance to share some Southern hospitality.

The homesickness will last a day or two & I've experienced it before. Living a lifetime away from those you love brings a case of it on now & then. As I age I get more sentimental, & I sometimes lament that it's only life's big events that bring us together - weddings & funerals among those.

So, my illness today will be brief & happy - I look forward to my next case!